Forecast: Rainy
Wind speed: 35.6 km/h
Temperature: 17°C - 23°C
Precipitation: 14.5 mm
Temperature: 18°C
Forecast: Sunny
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind speed: 4.5 m/s
Temperature: 23°C
Forecast: Partly cloudy
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind speed: 8.2 m/s
Temperature: 23°C
Forecast: Rainy
Precipitation: 0.2 mm
Wind speed: 8 m/s
Temperature: 23°C
Forecast: Rainy
Precipitation: 0.2 mm
Wind speed: 9.4 m/s
Temperature: 22°C
Forecast: Cloudy
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind speed: 8.6 m/s
Temperature: 20°C
Forecast: Rainy
Precipitation: 0.7 mm
Wind speed: 9.9 m/s
Temperature: 17°C
Forecast: Rainy
Precipitation: 7 mm
Wind speed: 7.2 m/s
Published on day from karmen_ berlic1402
The camp has a wonderful beach BUT it is extremely busy because of public parking in front of the camp. Cars were even parked on the beach. To access the beach you must walk all the way back to reception and past the public parking. Don't go through the restaurant in your swimsuits otherwise you will be told off! No waste recycling, just throw everything in a bin. Only cash in (a bit expensive) restaurant.