Camping Jezera Lovisca Murter is located on the island of Murter, 2 km from Tisno, connecting the island with the mainland. Campssite offers camping on arranged terraced pitches, rental of mobile homes, apartments and rooms.
Campsite accepts the Camping Card, which will make the camping more affordable. The discount is listed at the price list of the campsite, and you can order free camping card HERE
NEW in campsite Jezera Lovisca - pitches (Premium, Gold - new campsite map), infrastructure (electricity, water, internet throughout the campsite and in the marina), partial renovation of apartments for 2 and 6 people, new mobile homes Adria, a dog beach and a caravan park for boats, all sports playgrounds (tennis, table tennis, basketball and mini-golf) are free of charge for camp guests and a Camperclean machine have been installed to clean the toilet cassettes. They also now allow pitches to be reserved.
Camping Jezera Lovisca Murter has three stars and is located in a pine forest, next to its own bay within the tourist center Jezera Village. The pitches have good shade and are equipped with electricity. Most of the camping pitches are decorated in terraces, and in the upper part of the camp there are also mobile homes.
Campsite has 5 sanitary blocks, which were all renovated recently, also usable by disabled persons. They have space for washing the dishes, laundry and separated place for showering dogs. There is also a dog beach.
The beach at Camping Jezera Lovista is located along a sandy and pebbly bay, and part of the beach is paved. There is also a small marina with boat moorings along this part of the beach. There is a slide for children and inflatable playgrounds in the sea. Tisno is reached by a seafront footpath. There is also a dog beach to the left of the campsite.
The sports centre at the campsite has 4 tennis courts, a basketball court, table tennis and mini golf, water aerobics and children's entertainment, a surf centre and SUP boards for rent. There is an indoor games room for children and a small playground outside.
Internet is free in low season, but in high season there is an extra charge, e.g. € 6 for 1 day, € 16 for 7 days for max. 4 devices.
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Published on day from sasoudovic
Lokacija v 1. vrsti je super , lep razgled ,mirno ne glede na to da smo bili v 1. vrsti.
Voda dokaj v redu , obvezna uporaba čevljev ker so ježi povsod , ker pa je kamp in plaža v zalivu zna biti motna voda , voda na "odprti" strani otoka kristalno čista vendar pa na nekaterih delih otežen dostop do vode.
Športni center dokaj obsežen za zabavo na vodi , vendar kar visoke cene , je pa otok osebno dokaj zabaven za kolesarjenje.
Trgovina v kampu z normalnimi cenami , nekatere stvari precenjene ...
Wifi ne dela po celotnem kampu ,ne glede na prijavo problematike odziva ni bilo , če pa dela je pa plačljiv (16€ teden).
Wc , moški groza ,tuši groza , kot da so obstali v 80ih , za praznenje kemičnega wc-ja potrebno prehoditi pol kampa , imajo pa za kemične wc-je super napravo ki vse naredi sama , tukaj pohvala.
Za najstnike ni dogajanja ,zvečer v bližini nobenega dogajanja.
Pice v restavraciji dobre in v zmernih cenah.
Kamp se ob 23ih zapre , če zamudiš moraš parkirati zunaj in počakati do 7ih zjutraj ko spet pričnejo z delom.
Ne ločujejo vseh odpadkov kar nas je rahlo presenetilo.
Mini golf /tenis/košarka brezplačno