Forecast: Sunny
Wind speed: 18.7 km/h
Temperature: 23°C - 25°C
Precipitation: 0 mm
Temperature: 24°C
Forecast: Sunny
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind speed: 3.1 m/s
Temperature: 25°C
Forecast: Sunny
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind speed: 2.3 m/s
Temperature: 24°C
Forecast: Sunny
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind speed: 2.4 m/s
Temperature: 24°C
Forecast: Clear sky
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind speed: 2.5 m/s
Temperature: 23°C
Forecast: Cloudy
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind speed: 5.2 m/s
Published on day from anonymous
The campsite is beautifully located west of the city of Vir on a public bathing beach.
Unfortunately there is no drinking water.
The own well has in the main season salty water.
At night you can hear loud music from the beach club and other localities every day until 5 a.m.