Valamar Camping Marina is smaller campsite, located by the sea, 12km southern from Labin. It is best reachable from Opatija or Pazin towards Labin. In last years it has become tidy campsite for lovers of nature that come with tent, camper or caravan, mobile homes are available for rental as well.
Campsite accepts the Avtokampi Camping Card, which will make the camping more affordable. The discount is listed at he price list of the campsite - order for free and get camping card by email.
Campsite Marina is well known among scuba diving lovers as it hosts great scuba diving centre, also sea life is very lively and rich - you can admire it also with snorkelling only. Camp is located on smaller peninsula which ensures great view across the Kvarner bay and island Cres. Pitches are pretty sunny and don't have thick shade.
Campsite Marina has 250 arranged pitches with electricity connection as well as access to water, some pitches have sewage system arranged as well. Pitches on the right and central part of the campsite are better shaded, while the ones on the left side are providing nicest view across the sea (and are more sunny).
Sanitary facilities in camp are all in one building and are therefore large and adjusted to children and handicapped guests. There are also laundry and bathroom for babies.
Camping Marina has richer for larger swimming pool that is meant for bathing as well as first scuba diving lessons. It has very attractive location, offering great view across islands Cres and Losinj. Smaller pool with heated water and slides was added for kids, even shade in the pool is arranged. Next to the pool is children's playground, animation centre and restaurant. Both pools have heated water.
Beach in camp is mostly stoned and have two pebbled bays in between, where access to the water is very easy. Larger pebbled bay is in the village, which is 200m away. Two beaches are arranged for bathing of dogs.
Whole camping Marina is covered with free wireless internet, there is a computer available at the reception. Guests can use the refrigerators and picnic places. Shop is 200m away, while one restaurant is in the camp and another just by the camp's entrance. Bakery and newspaper stand are in camp.
In camp Marina you can rent a bike and cycle on the neighboring cycling paths, however first part of the trip is pretty steep. There is children animation programe from end of June to mid September organized.
In the scuba diving centre Scubacenter, which is one of the best in Mediterranean, they will be glad to guide you around the underwater sea beauties, the underwater rock walls and caves. They organize as well daily trips with boat.
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