Official category: 1 from 5 stars

Camping Lili

Address: Ulica pod Jagodna 5, Jagodna, 21465 Jelsa - Hvar

Season: -

Compared price: 2 people + pitch with electricity - between 30 - 40 €


  • By the sea
  • Well shaded
  • Sandy beach
  • Free wifi

Basic information

Camping Lili - Jagodna, Hvar is located on the south side of the Hvar island, overlooking Korcula, Vis and other smaller islands.

The campsite is located in village Jagodna, which is about 2 km from Ivan Dolac towards Sveta Nedjelja. The campsite is approximately 18 km from Jelsa, and on the way you will have to pass through the Pitve tunnel, which is 1.4 km long and through which vehicles up to 2.3 m wide and 2.5 m high max. are allowed. Due to the more difficult access, Camping Lili only allows tents and vans.

NEW - For the 2022 season in campsite Lili has renovated the sanitary facilities, further landscaped the pitches and installed new children's playgrounds. For the 2023 season, the pitches have also been further improved.

Camping Lili is open from May to October and is run by the Zaninović family, who strive to offer their guests a peaceful holiday next to beautiful beaches. The pine woods give the campsite excellent shade, the pitches are arranged in terraces and have the possibility of being connected to electricity.

The beach at the campsite has two beautiful pebble coves, while the rest is rocky. Jagodna beach was named one of the 50 most beautiful beaches in the world by the Guardian in 2016. FKK swimming is also available on the left part of the beach.

The campsite has a mini grocery shop with local delicacies (wine, olive oil, brandy), and the owners bring in daily groceries from Jelsa. There is a larger grocery shop in the neighbouring village. There is a small playground for children and a bowling court.

Information about Ferry connections and its prices to the island Hvar

Features and equipment

Type of the campsite

  • Tekstil
  • FKK

Pitch features

  • Non-parcelled camping plots
  • Pitches with electricity
  • Pitches with electricity and water
  • Pitches with electricity, water and waste water connections


  • By the sea
  • Naturist beach
  • Sandy beach
  • Well shaded
  • By the city
  • By the lake
  • By the river
  • Campsites by the Spa
  • On the farm


  • Free wifi
  • Refrigerator rental
  • Washing machine
  • Accessible toilet
  • Boat ramp
  • Chemical toilet discharge
  • Children sanitary facilities
  • Drying machine
  • For boat owners
  • Heated sanitary facilities
  • Marine
  • Private bathrooms
  • Shared barbecue
  • Shared kitchen
  • Waste water discharge


  • Children's playground
  • Restaurant
  • Animation for children
  • Bakery
  • Bar
  • Fish market
  • Indoor playroom
  • Shop


  • Table tennis
  • Adrenaline park
  • Aquapark
  • Arranged cycling routes
  • Arranged hiking paths
  • Basketball
  • Bike rental
  • Canyoning
  • Climbing wall
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Diving centre
  • Fitness
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Guided exercise
  • Horse riding
  • Mini golf
  • Paragliding
  • Rafting
  • Rent a SUP
  • Rent a boat
  • Rent a canoe / kayak
  • Smučišče
  • Surf centre
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball

Swimming pool/wellness

  • Beauty saloon
  • Children's pool
  • Indoor swimming pool
  • Massage
  • Massage pool
  • Natural swimming pool
  • Pool
  • Sauna
  • Swimming pool with heated water
  • Swimming pool with slide


  • Dogs allowed
  • Dog beach
  • Dog shower
  • Dogs not allowed
  • Dogs welcome

Rental option

  • Apartment rental
  • Bungalow rental
  • Caravan rental
  • Room rental
  • Tent rental

Camping pricelist (in EUR) for year 2024

Price for 1.7. - 15.9. 20.5. - 30.6.
16.9. - 1.10.
Pitch (2 persons, car, tent, electricity) ​​38 / 42 / 49* ​​33 / 35 / 40*
Addit. person ​​13 ​​10,50
Children 3 - 12 yrs. ​​9 ​​6,50
Addit. car / tent ​​7 ​​6
Dog ​​7 ​​5
Boat trailer ​​10 ​​8
Tourist tax ​​1,20 ​​1,20
Check-in ​​1,50 ​​1,50
Minimum stay ​​2 (+30%) ​​/

PDF - Pricelist for year 2024 (19KB)

* The price of the pirch depends on the location of the plot and includes 2 people, car, tent or van and electricity.

In case of earlier departure than booked, an extra charge of € 40 in low season and € 70 in high season applies.

Visitors ratings

Sanitary facilities
Sport facilities
Family with small children
Calm holidays
Boat owners
Family with teenager
Spor lovers
Dog owners

Nr of reviews: 3

Review campsite


  • No avatar

    Published on day from anonymous

    In couple

    Kamp lepo urejen. Zvečer po 10 uri mir in tišina vse do 8 ure zjutraj. Velike parcele in zelo prijazni lastniki. Poskrbijo, da vsak najde dovolj prostora zase. Wc in tuši so bili ves čas čisti, je pa res, da so potrebni prenove. Cenovno ugoden in ne toliko natrpan kamp, kot ostali kampi na Hvaru. Kamp je zame bil čista 10-ka s čudovito plažo in razgledom na morje. Priporočam.​​

  • No avatar

    Published on day from anonymous


    V tem kampu smo bili že večkrat v zadnjih letih. Smo se letos nameraval vrnit, pa grem preverit cenik in vidim da so se letos ponovno podražili. Včasih je bila cena v sept/okt 6 eur, potem 8, lansko leto 9, letos pa že 11,30, tako, da bomo letos obiskal katerega od konkurenčnih kampov. Če bi vsaj prenovili sanitarije... pa so v enako slabem stanju kot pred desetimi leti.

    Narava je res lepa, ampak nič lepša kot drugje na tej strani otoka. Do plaže je kakih 20 višinskih metrov, kar s časom postane malo zoprno.

    Lep, miren kamp s čudovitim pogledom na morje, ampak počasi bo postal predrag za to kar nudi.


  • No avatar

    vanilija is absent

    Published on day from vanilija

    Family with small children

    Naša izkušnja in mnenje o kampu je sledeče. Ker iščemo manjše kampe, se nam je kamp Lili zdel ravno pravšnji. Senca in vonj borovcev, ki zakrivajo ves kamp, sta zelo blagodejna. Všeč nam je bila tudi terasasta ureditev kampa z lepim razgledom na morje in velikost parcele, kjer se lahko v miru 'razkomotiš'. WC-ji kar solidni, topla voda, brez vrst. Še bolje bi bilo, če bi lastniki privili obešalnike v tuš kabinah (ki so se komaj še držali) in če bi priskrbeli kakšno dodatno poličko ali stol za odlaganje pri umivalnikih.
    Glede miru v kampu - na splošno je kar mir, sploh, če imaš srečo, da nimaš v soseščini bataljona Poljakov, ki znajo hrupno vesljačiti pozno v noč.
    Za vse, ki težko prenašajo vročino, zna biti zelo naporna nočna vročina ( 2x smo v šotoru sredi noči namerili + 36C). Nad kampom se dviga visoka skalnata gora, ki jo ves dan segreva sonce. Ko je proti večeru nekajkrat iz te smeri začelo pihati, smo imeli občutek, da v nas piha vroč fen. Zrak se je malo shladil šele proti jutru, ko so se shladile skalnate stene.
    Računali smo tudi na to, da se bomo lahko po bližnjici vozili do mesta Hvara a s tem žal ni bilo nič, saj je makedamska cesta, ki so jo naredili pred nekaj leti preveč slaba in ozka. Nekateri se sicer vozijo.
    Plaža - zanimiva. Najprej se bojiš, da ti bo kaj padlo na glavo, potem pa se počasi sprostiš a si vseeno raje malo dlje od sten. Vsaj mi smo bili. Morje je bila krasno - zaradi izvirov sladke vode - kljub vročini ostaja dolgo prijetno osvežilno. Začuda pa ni nobenih školjk. Tega še nismo doživeli. Dostop v morje idealen za majhne in velike - droben pesek. Edino kar nas je pri plaži motilo je, da je premajhna za toliko ljudi. Opoldne skoraj nimaš kam položiti brisače, zato se veliko gostov kampa, le okopa in vrne k šotoru. Nam je bilo rahlo klavstrofobično med tistimi stenami. Računali smo na to, da se bomo lahko kopali še kje v bližini kampa a je bilo to nemogoče zaradi res neprijaznih skal. Če hočeš primerno plažo, moraš do nje z avtom ali s čolnom. Skale, ki so v bližini kampa, bi lahko malo pobetonirali oziroma popravili že obstoječ poškodovan beton.
    Predvsem otrokom v veselje pa je bilo, da smo imeli blizu sladoled.


Prikaži vse ocene

Croatia: Jagodna

  • Date:

    Forecast: Cloudy

    Wind speed: 26.6 km/h

    Temperature: 3°C - 12°C

    Precipitation: 0.8 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 3°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.9 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 4°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 4.2 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 11°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 4.4 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 12°C

      Forecast: Partly cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.6 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 9°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 4.1 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 10°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 5.4 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 10°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 7.4 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Cloudy

    Wind speed: 40 km/h

    Temperature: 8°C - 13°C

    Precipitation: 21.5 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 10°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 0.4 mm

      Wind speed: 9.2 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 10°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 7.9 mm

      Wind speed: 11.1 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 10°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 1.2 mm

      Wind speed: 8 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 12°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 5.5 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 13°C

      Forecast: Partly cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 6.3 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 10°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 5.4 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 9°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 2.2 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 8°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 2.4 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Sunny

    Wind speed: 29.9 km/h

    Temperature: 6°C - 13°C

    Precipitation: 2.8 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 8°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 0.2 mm

      Wind speed: 4.1 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 6°C

      Forecast: Fog

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.2 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 6°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 4.3 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 11°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.6 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 13°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.3 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 9°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 6.8 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 8°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 8.3 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Sunny

    Wind speed: 13.7 km/h

    Temperature: 3°C - 11°C

    Precipitation: 0 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 6°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.4 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 3°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.2 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 11°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.8 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 8°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.3 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Sunny

    Wind speed: 12.6 km/h

    Temperature: 6°C - 14°C

    Precipitation: 0 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 7°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 2.1 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 6°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 0.4 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 14°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.5 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 9°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.3 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Sunny

    Wind speed: 13 km/h

    Temperature: 7°C - 13°C

    Precipitation: 0 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 8°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.2 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 7°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 2.4 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 13°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.6 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 8°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 2.6 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Partly cloudy

    Wind speed: 6.5 km/h

    Temperature: 6°C - 13°C

    Precipitation: 0.2 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 7°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.6 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 6°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.5 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 13°C

      Forecast: Partly cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.8 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 9°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0.2 mm

      Wind speed: 0.3 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Rainy

    Wind speed: 15.5 km/h

    Temperature: 8°C - 11°C

    Precipitation: 6.2 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 9°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0.1 mm

      Wind speed: 1.5 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 9°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 2.9 mm

      Wind speed: 4.3 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 11°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 0.9 mm

      Wind speed: 0.7 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 8°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 2.3 mm

      Wind speed: 0.6 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Cloudy

    Wind speed: 16.6 km/h

    Temperature: 6°C - 11°C

    Precipitation: 0 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 9°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 4.6 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 6°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 2.3 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 11°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 0.5 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 6°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.6 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Cloudy

    Wind speed: 27.4 km/h

    Temperature: 7°C - 9°C

    Precipitation: 20.7 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 9°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 3.8 mm

      Wind speed: 5.5 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 7°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 16.9 mm

      Wind speed: 7.6 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 7°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 6.4 m/s

Weather forecast from Yr, delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and NRK.