Campsite Sibuljina - Tribanj, Paklenica is located along well known sea-front road (called Jadranska magistrala), 12 km before town Starigrad and entrance to the National Park Paklenica. It is opened from April to mid-November and offer camping on arranged camping pitches by the sea or on non-divided camping plots. Right side of the camping is reserved for mobile homes.
Campsite accepts the Avtokampi Camping Card, which will make camping holidays more affordable. The discount is listed at the price list of the campsite - order for free and get camping card by email.
There are 150 camping places available, along with 25 mobile homes for 4+1 person. Camping pitches with electricity are arranged just next to the sea, while the upper part, which is max 100m from the sea, is not divided into camping pitches.
Whole camping area of Sibuljina has great shade of pine trees that is reaching beach as well. They have partly renovated camping facilities in last years (children's playground, sanitary facilities, mobile homes, biological waste water cleaning machine, wifi internet across whole campsite), also restaurant has been modernized (open from 1.6. to 1.10).
Camp has three sanitary facilities (1 larger and 2 smaller ones), which provide also facilities for children and guests with movement disabilities. Laundry, chem toilet and camper supply station are arranged.
Beach in camp is mostly pebbled with lots of natural shade. Some concrete peers have been built, so that kids can jump into the water freely. It is possible to lower the boats into the sea here, but there are only few mooring places for smaller boats available.
Shop is in the camp, as well as restaurant and pizzeria, which operate from June till the end of September.
Camping Sibuljlina offers rich surrounding for daily trips. The most popular is certainly visiting the National Park Paklenica, which is 10 drive away. We recommend you to discover the gorge of river Zrmanja, hike to Velebit, enjoy sandy beaches around town Nin and enjoy peaceful evening walks in romantic Zadar.
It is as well possible to do climbing courses, several trips with quads, boat rental, parasailing or boat trips to river Zrmanja.
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Obiskali smo že kar nekaj kampov, pa tako zoplega sprejema še nismo bili deležni. Gospodične na recepciji vsakega gosta pospremijo do parcele in mu razložijo vse potrebno. Pred samim kampom je trgovinica, ki res ni ravno dobro založena, saj jim zmanjkuje osnovnih stvari, se pa v kamp vsake 2 dni pripelje gospod s svežim sadjem in zelenjavo in ne pretiranimi cenami, ki zadovolji potrebe po vitaminih.
Vse parcele imajo elektriko, mi pa manjkajo na parcelah priključki z vodo. To pa je tudi edina slabost, ki bi jo izpostavila.
Sanitarije so starejše, ampak tako čistih sanitarij še nismo imeli v nobenem kampu. Vse pohvale...
Temperatura morja definitivno preseneti, ampak če pohitiš in se preprosto prepustiš, potem tudi tu ni problema.
Če si želiš mirnega dopusta, počitka, potem je ta kamp balzam za dušo, če pa potrebuješ vrvež, animacije, kolesarjenje ter druge rekreacije, potem ta kamp ni za vas... Nas je maksimalno navdušil in definitivno se še vrnemo!