Forecast: Rainy
Wind speed: 16.6 km/h
Temperature: 8°C - 10°C
Precipitation: 4.7 mm
Temperature: 9°C
Forecast: Clear sky
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind speed: 1.8 m/s
Temperature: 8°C
Forecast: Partly cloudy
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind speed: 2.3 m/s
Temperature: 10°C
Forecast: Rainy
Precipitation: 0.3 mm
Wind speed: 4 m/s
Temperature: 10°C
Forecast: Rainy
Precipitation: 0.4 mm
Wind speed: 4.5 m/s
Temperature: 10°C
Forecast: Cloudy
Precipitation: 0 mm
Wind speed: 4.5 m/s
Temperature: 10°C
Forecast: Rainy
Precipitation: 0.3 mm
Wind speed: 4 m/s
Temperature: 9°C
Forecast: Rainy
Precipitation: 0.5 mm
Wind speed: 4.6 m/s
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Res slaba izkušnja z lastnikom.
Osebje na recepciji in v sosednjem lokalu zelo prijazno, lastnik kampa pa se obnaša nespoštljivo - preveč si dovoli.
V kampu smo se ustavili na poti domov in prespali 1 noč. Naslednji dan smo do zahtevane ure odšli iz kampa, smo pa pred odhodom domov, šli v njihov lokal na kavo, saj je dobra in od tam je lep razgled. Parkirali smo zunaj, na mesto iz katerega se je ravno odpeljal en drug njihov avto. Ravno ko dobimo kavo (torej cca 5 do 10 min kasneje), poskusi en starejši gospod najprej na silo odpreti voznikova vrata, ker pa je avto bil zaklenjen, začne lomiti brisalce za šipo na avtu. Hitro stečem do avta in vprašam kaj je narobe, on kriči na mene, da ne smem tam parkirati, da je tam prostor za ljudi iz kampa. Ko povem, da smo ravno odšli iz kampa, se je začel drugače obnašati, vendar se mi opravičil, samo usedel se je v svoj avto in odpeljal.
Človek, ker je oče ministra, si dovoli vse.
Really bad experience with the owner.
The staff at the reception and in the bar next door are very friendly, but the owner behaves disrespectfully - he allows himself too much.
We stopped at the camp on the way home and spent 1 night. The next day, we left the camp by the required time, but before going home, we went to their bar for a coffee, as it has a good coffee and beautiful view. We parked outside, to the spot from which one of other cars had just left. Just when we get our coffee (that is, about 5 to 10 minutes later), an elderly man first tries to force open the driver's door, but because the car was locked, he starts breaking the windshield wipers on the car. I quickly run to the car and ask what's wrong, he shouts at me that I shouldn't park there, that there is a place for people from the camp. When I say that we just left the camp, he (was shocked) started acting different, but he apologized to me, he just got in his car and drove away.
The man, because he is the father of a minister, allows himself everything...