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Kamp Rapoče, Nerezine - Lošinj
Best camp Adria 2023
2. place
Visitor rating
6.8 Review campsite

Official category: 3 from 5 stars

Camping Rapoca

Address: Rapoća 21, 51554 Nerezine - Lošinj, Hrvaška

Season: -

Compared price: 2 people + pitch with electricity - between 40 - 50 €


  • Discount Camping Card
  • For family
  • Dogs welcome
  • By the sea
  • Well shaded

Basic information

Camping Rapoca - Nerezine is located at the beginning of the island Losinj, on the northern side of city Nerezine. Campsite offers camping on regulated plots and hire of mobile homes.

Campsite accepts the Avtokampi Camping Card, which will make camping holidays more affordable. The discount is listed at the price list of the campsite - order for free and get camping card by email.

Camping lovers have awarded Camping Rapoca in selection Naj kamp Adria 2021 as the best small campsite in Croatian Kvarner.

Campsite Rapoca has about 270 arranged camping pitches, most of which are well shaded by a pine forest. Part of the campsite is also arranged on a slightly sunnier meadow. It is calm and family friendly campsite. In season 2015 it received 3rd quality star.

Beach in the camp is stoned, part graveled and with concrete parts for sun bathing. You should take nice promenade to the city Nerezine. Camp has tidy sanitary facilities, adjusted to kids as well as family bathrooms.

Campsite has a bar by the sea, a restaurant and a shop. There is children's playground and beach volley ball, children animation is organized.

Above the camp you will find hill Osorscica that is 588 high and very popular among hikers.

Information about Ferry Connections and its Prices to island Mali Losinj

Features and equipment

Type of the campsite

  • Tekstil
  • FKK

Pitch features

  • Pitches with electricity
  • Pitches with electricity and water
  • Non-parcelled camping plots
  • Pitches with electricity, water and waste water connections


  • By the city (300 m)
  • By the sea
  • Sandy beach
  • Well shaded
  • By the lake
  • By the river
  • Campsites by the Spa
  • Naturist beach
  • On the farm


  • Accessible toilet
  • Boat ramp
  • Chemical toilet discharge
  • Children sanitary facilities
  • Drying machine
  • For boat owners
  • Free wifi
  • Marine
  • Private bathrooms
  • Refrigerator rental
  • Shared barbecue
  • Washing machine
  • Waste water discharge
  • Heated sanitary facilities
  • Shared kitchen


  • Animation for children
  • Bar
  • Children's playground
  • Restaurant (300 m)
  • Shop (500 m)
  • Bakery
  • Fish market
  • Indoor playroom


  • Arranged cycling routes
  • Arranged hiking paths
  • Bike rental
  • Rent a SUP
  • Rent a canoe / kayak
  • Table tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Adrenaline park
  • Aquapark
  • Basketball
  • Canyoning
  • Climbing wall
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Diving centre
  • Fitness
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Guided exercise
  • Horse riding
  • Mini golf
  • Paragliding
  • Rafting
  • Rent a boat
  • Smučišče
  • Surf centre
  • Tennis

Swimming pool/wellness

  • Massage
  • Beauty saloon
  • Children's pool
  • Indoor swimming pool
  • Massage pool
  • Natural swimming pool
  • Pool
  • Sauna
  • Swimming pool with heated water
  • Swimming pool with slide


  • Dog beach
  • Dog shower
  • Dogs allowed
  • Dogs welcome
  • Dogs not allowed

Rental option

  • Apartment rental
  • Bungalow rental
  • Caravan rental
  • Room rental
  • Tent rental

Accommodations and prices


When would you like to stay at the campsite?

Please select the check-in / check-out dates and the number of people to see availability and prices.

Adults Age 18+

Children Age 0 - 17

Select the age of the children

Pets All

Premium Mare

Rapoća Camping Village

surface Surface: 100m2
capacity Capacity: 6
on the sea Near the sea
power connection Electricity hookup
pets allowed Pets allowed
Prikaži vse lastnosti


Rapoća Camping Village

surface Surface: 80m2
capacity Capacity: 6
power connection Electricity hookup
pets allowed Pets allowed
Prikaži vse lastnosti


Rapoća Camping Village

surface Surface: 70m2
capacity Capacity: 6
power connection Electricity hookup
pets allowed Pets allowed
Prikaži vse lastnosti


Rapoća Camping Village

surface Surface: 60m2
capacity Capacity: 6
power connection Electricity hookup
pets allowed Pets allowed
Prikaži vse lastnosti

Mobile Homes

When would you like to stay at the campsite?

Please select the check-in / check-out dates and the number of people to see availability and prices.

Adults Age 18+

Children Age 0 - 17

Select the age of the children

Pets All


Rapoća Camping Village

surface Surface: 24m2
rooms Rooms: 2
capacity Capacity: 4+1
distance to sea 150-200m from beach
pets allowed Pets allowed
Prikaži vse lastnosti


Rapoća Camping Village

surface Surface: 34m2
rooms Rooms: 2
capacity Capacity: 4+2
distance to sea 150-200m from beach
pets allowed Pets allowed
Prikaži vse lastnosti

Mobile homes description

Rental of mobile homes in the camping Rapoca Nerezine - in recent years, there are also mobile homes that you can rent in the campsite. Mobile homes are 100 to 150 m away from the sea.

Some smaller mobile homes (24m2) are located near the reception. Larger and more modern mobile homes (32 - 35m2) are located on the right side of the campsite. Mobile homes have a living room with a kitchen, two bedrooms,  one or larger mobile homes two bathrooms and a terrace equipped with an additional bathroom and a larger terrace.

All mobile homes are air conditioned and dogs are allowed for an extra charge.

Visitors ratings

Sanitary facilities
Sport facilities
Family with small children
Calm holidays
Boat owners
Family with teenager
Spor lovers
Dog owners

Nr of reviews: 38

Review campsite

Best camp Adria

  • 2023: 2. place in category Croatia - Kvarner - Smaller campsites


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    jsmrekca943 is absent

    Published on day from jsmrekca943

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    letošnje leto sva kot vsa pretekla leta počitnikovala v kampu Rapoća, vendar letos je bilo malce grenkega priokusa in sicer prvo z zapestnicami za dostop do WC, tuša,... zadeva je čisto sprejemljiva, če bi zadevo pripravili in testirali že pred samo sezono, namestili zadevo ki 100% deluje, ne da smo sredi noči stale pred vrati WC in nismo mogle noter, tako je direndaj trajal kar nekaj dni. Na koncu so uvideli (saj smo morali dobesedno ponoči ali čez dan, ko ni delovalo vdirati), da sistem ni zanesljiv in so zadevo opustili. Tudi izbrane čip zapestnice niso najboljše, v vodi se ti je zlahka odpela, okoli zapestja so se spuščale pike,... in sama velikost je moteča za na roko.

    Druga zadeva pa so gostje, predvsem poplava Nemcev, ki so letos z avtodomi navalili in smatrajo, da je kamp prostor kjer je čista tišina.
    Moti jih prav vse, od živ žava otrok, glasnost klime, glasnost smrčanja soseda, glasnost radia,...
    Slovenci smo znani po tem, da se radi družimo in poveselimo. No letošnje leto smo imeli večkratne obiske, da smo preglasni, moteči, čeprav smo se držali ur počitka, kar pomeni da med 14. in 16. uro nismo imeli glasbe, po 22.uri pa smo vedno utihnili... Motil jih je radio na normalni glasnosti in ko je zazvenel glas harmonike, so zavijali z očmi,...
    Pa da se razumemo,...taka druženja niso bila vsak dan oz. cel dan,...

    Sama sem mnenja, da če se odločiš za kamp sprejmeš dogajanje in dihanje kampa, v kolikor pa si potreben počitka, mira in tišine si izbereš apartma ali severno morje, kjer zagotovo ni gužve ;)

    Lep pozdrav, mi še nismo obupali, pridemo spet žurat naslednje leto!​​

  • No avatar
    666666 is absent

    Published on day from 666666

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    Kar nekaj let sva z možem hodila kampirati in sva bila zelo zadovoljna. Letos je bilo zadnjič in nikoli več. Sva doživela takšno razočaranje, da nimam besed. Vsako leto sva prišla s čolnom, ki sva ga imela vedno prvo in zadnjo noč na parceli (vse dogovorjeno na recepciji). Naslednji dan sva čoln dala v morje, prikolico pa parkirala izven kampa.Takšen je pač red. Ok. Naju pa je že prejšnja leta zmotilo, da za nemce to pravilo SEVEDA ne obstaja. Pa da ne bo pomote nič nimam proti njim. No letos sva pa že prvi dan na recepciji doživela hladen tuš vzvišene receptorke. Spet se dogovoriva za prenočitev prikolice in čolna za prvo noč na recepciji. Vse ok. Predzadnji dan sva šla po prikolico v Loparje ( računajo 3€ na dan) in jo parkirala na parceli. Odpraviva še na zadnjo plovbo po morju. Popoldne greva na recepcijo poravnati stroške bivanja (spet ista vzvišena receptorka), in ob odhodu iz recepcije omeni, da na parceli ne sme biti prikolica. Na kar ji odgovorim, da je prikolica od zjutraj na parceli, ker bova dala čoln iz morja še danes. Še začne opravičevati. Cca čez 1 uro pride hišnik mimo in povpraša, glede prikolice in čolna. Zopet mu poveva, da sva na recepciji dogovorjena in da naslednji dan odhajamo. Spet vse ok. Potem spet čez kako uro pride druga iz recepcije in reče, da moramo prikolico s čolnom odmakniti. In se začne pregovarjanje. Spet gre in prideta s hišnikom nazaj. In spet ista pesem. Kratek čas smo se prerekali. Na vprašanje, zakaj ima prikolico na parceli nemec po več dni, je bil odgovor, da so jih opozorili. Žal za Slovence to ne velja- dvojna pravila. Pa je več kot tretjina slovencev v kampu. Na koncu sva spakirala in šla pozno popoldne domov. Pohvala pa čistilkam, ki so spoštljive in dobro očistijo sanitarije.​​

  • No avatar

    Published on day from anonymous

    In couple

    Suoer, odlična, hodimo že deset let.​​

Prikaži vse ocene

Croatia: Nerezine

  • Date:

    Forecast: Sunny

    Wind speed: 16.6 km/h

    Temperature: 24°C - 29°C

    Precipitation: 0 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 27°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.3 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 28°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 2.4 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 29°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 4.6 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 28°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.8 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 25°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 2.4 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 24°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.1 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Sunny

    Wind speed: 15.1 km/h

    Temperature: 23°C - 31°C

    Precipitation: 0 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 24°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 23°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 2.1 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 28°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.6 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 30°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.5 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 31°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 4.2 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 30°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.2 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 27°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 2.7 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 25°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.1 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Sunny

    Wind speed: 35.3 km/h

    Temperature: 24°C - 32°C

    Precipitation: 0 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 25°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.8 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 24°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.8 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 30°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.1 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 31°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.5 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 32°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 4.3 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 31°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.2 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 28°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 4 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 29°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 9.8 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Sunny

    Wind speed: 40.7 km/h

    Temperature: 27°C - 30°C

    Precipitation: 0 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 28°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 11.3 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 27°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 5.5 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 30°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.3 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 29°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 6.9 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Sunny

    Wind speed: 24.1 km/h

    Temperature: 26°C - 31°C

    Precipitation: 0 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 26°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 6.6 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 26°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 6.7 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 31°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 4.8 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 29°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 6.6 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Sunny

    Wind speed: 16.9 km/h

    Temperature: 25°C - 32°C

    Precipitation: 0 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 25°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 4.7 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 26°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.6 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 32°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.5 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 29°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.3 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Sunny

    Wind speed: 9.4 km/h

    Temperature: 26°C - 32°C

    Precipitation: 0 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 26°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.6 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 27°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 0.5 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 32°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 2.6 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 30°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 0.4 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Sunny

    Wind speed: 16.6 km/h

    Temperature: 25°C - 32°C

    Precipitation: 3.9 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 25°C

      Forecast: Clear sky

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 1.4 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 28°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 0.6 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 32°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0.3 mm

      Wind speed: 1.9 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 27°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 3.6 mm

      Wind speed: 4.6 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Rainy

    Wind speed: 25.9 km/h

    Temperature: 22°C - 25°C

    Precipitation: 18 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 22°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 9.9 mm

      Wind speed: 7.2 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 22°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 5.8 mm

      Wind speed: 1.1 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 25°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 0.6 mm

      Wind speed: 6.4 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 23°C

      Forecast: Rainy

      Precipitation: 1.7 mm

      Wind speed: 6.1 m/s

  • Date:

    Forecast: Cloudy

    Wind speed: 18.7 km/h

    Temperature: 22°C - 28°C

    Precipitation: 0 mm

    • Time:

      Temperature: 22°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 4.1 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 24°C

      Forecast: Sunny

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 5.2 m/s

    • Time:

      Temperature: 28°C

      Forecast: Cloudy

      Precipitation: 0 mm

      Wind speed: 3.9 m/s

Weather forecast from Yr, delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and NRK.