Summer timetables for ferries to Croatian islands
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Find new timetables of ferries and its prices for reaching Croatian islands. It is valid from June till the end of September.
You can find on our website summer timetables for ferries to Croatian islands. They are valid from May 29th to Septembar 27th. In this time more ferries are operating and prices are about 20% higher than in low season.
There is new port in Zadar. Ferries to island Ugljan, Dugi otok, Molat, Iz and Mali Losinj are starting now on the line Zadar - Gaženica, which is on the southern part of town Zadar.
This is modern ferry port which is able, due to its size, enable faster arrival and departure of the travellers as well as to/from more ferries at once. At the same time, it is more easily reachable, as you can leave the highway Zagreb - Split at exit Zadar 2 and than drive along the airport and reach the port.
It is still unclear if there will be a ferry between Drvenik and Korcula, which is usually available between mid June till the end of August.
All time tables and prices are available at this link - Timetables and Prices for Ferries
There is new port in Zadar. Ferries to island Ugljan, Dugi otok, Molat, Iz and Mali Losinj are starting now on the line Zadar - Gaženica, which is on the southern part of town Zadar.
This is modern ferry port which is able, due to its size, enable faster arrival and departure of the travellers as well as to/from more ferries at once. At the same time, it is more easily reachable, as you can leave the highway Zagreb - Split at exit Zadar 2 and than drive along the airport and reach the port.
It is still unclear if there will be a ferry between Drvenik and Korcula, which is usually available between mid June till the end of August.
All time tables and prices are available at this link - Timetables and Prices for Ferries