Timetables and prices for ferries in Croatia for season 2019
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We are publishing timetables and prices for ferries for Croatian islands for season 2019. These are timetables for ferry connections operated by Jadrolinija and Rapidska plovidba.
Camping on Croatian islands is especially popular due to its beautiful beaches and in the case of Dalmatian islands, usually as well less tourists in campsites and on the beaches.
As many are traveling to islands Hvar, Brac, Peljesac and Korcula in the summer, we checked what is new on their connections.
Gallery (5 photos):
Timetable of ferries in Croatia
Timetables for ferries in Croatia – prices are staying the same
For season 2019 they have not prepared any larger changes and it seems that also prices will stay the same as in last season. Some prices were even decreased for longer ferry rides, for example from Split to Korcula, Vis, Solta and Lastovo.
Some changes have occurred at departure times for connections between Valbiska – Merag for island Cres, Split – Supetar for island Brac, Zadar – Brbinj for island Dugi otok, Drvenik – Sucuraj for island Hvar and Ploce – Trpanj for Peljesac peninsula.
High tourist season that brings more operating ferries starts this year on May 31st and lasts until September 29th. In this period prices are approximately 20% higher. Only exception are ferries to island Cres (from Valbiska and Brestova) as high season for that line starts already on April 1st and ferry connections to island Rab on connection Stinica – Misnjak, where higher prices apply from May 1st on.
As there are many questions about transfer of bicycles and prices of ferry tickets we have requested Jadrolinja company for some clarifications. They explained that if you carry bicycles on the roof of your car, it doesn’t affect the price for car – standard height of your vehicle applies. It is different with bicycles on the towing ramp of the car – full length of car + bicycles applies - if your vehicle is with that longer for example more than 5m, you fall into longer category, which means higher price.
Quick links to ferry connections to Croatian islands:
Ferry connections to island Rab
Ferry connections to island Pag
Ferry connections for island Dugi otok
Ferry connection to island Ugljan
Ferry connections to island Pasman
Ferry connections to island Solta
Ferry connections to island Brac
Ferry connections to island Hvar
Ferry connections to island Peljesac
Ferry connection to island Korcula
Ferry connections to island Vis