Slovenija – from Monday, 21.2.2022, visiting campsites, hotels and skiing resorts without covid RVT condition
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Covid's situation is calming down slowly and the Slovenian government has decided to lift the RVT condition for vast majority of activities from Monday, February 21. This also includes tourist accommodations, skiing resorts and shops. As of today, Covid Green Pass is no longer needed to enter Slovenia.
Gallery (1 photo):
Winter camping in campsite Spik
According to the new government decision, it will no longer be necessary to show covid RVT certificate - recovered, vaccinated or covid test for most services in Slovenia.
According to the latest change, the RVT condition will be only demanded in critical services, such as hospitals, social welfare institutions and prisons.
The tourist activity is also relaxed, so for visiting campsites and ski resorts one no longer needs to have the RVT condition. The same goes for visiting all the shops, bars and restaurants.
The opening hours of restaurants will no longer be limited, night clubs will be open, restrictions on the number of people and special regimes at fairs will be abolished.
At the same time, students' self-testing in schools will be abolished as of Monday, however, the protective masks are still needed. Free covid testing will not longer be provided.
Abolition of covid measures upon entry into Slovenia
Already on Saturday, 19 February, the change regarding entry into Slovenia came into force - now covid certificates are no longer required for entry into the country, and thus the quarantine has been abolished.